
Just a Quick Thought.

Jesus gave me His heart on the cross... WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!?!?!?! I look back over my life and see the many times that I have taken His heart and just broken it. I have given Him every reason to abandon me, yet He remains faithful. Tonight I saw Jesus' grace in a whole new light. "Grace" is something that I have become almost used to and for the lack of a better word, immune to... not that the grace of God is in any way insufficient, but it has just become a common and under appreciated thing in my life. I knew it has been there, but I have just forgotten the power of it. God's grace is sort of like a trail in our lives, like a journey. It's commonly mistaken as something that's unattainable or mysterious or simply impossible. The truth is that God most definitely works everything out for the good of those who love Him. Each and every day, we encounter many different circumstances, problems, people, and challenges. Going mostly unnoticed, the grace of our Savior is all over everything. His grace is like a journey, in that it takes time and practice to learn how to except His workings in our lives. We have to remember that even in the seemingly bad situations, He is working it together for His good. The grace of God is mysterious because it is different for every person. God meets us where we are individually.
I can't even quite say what I want to about this subject because every time I try to put it into words, I am overwhelmed by the eternal and divine plan of God. Gosh! I guess all that's left now is to give Him my heart, again. It's a continual process, I have found. My heart is easily swayed if I don't surrender it over to Him.
So here's to you Jesus,
With love,

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