
Stolen Pictures of Camp.... :)

Twin Rocks is my favorite spot in the whole world, being so, I descided to go through my friends' blogs and myspaces to find as many pictures of the Beach at Twin Rocks as I could! So here they are, as beautiful as ever! And if you see a picture that you took, thank you for letting me use it!



Rain is my Favorite... :)

Today it RAINED!!! I am so excited, i think that when it rains it might be one of my favorite things that God does. It is so beautiful... Here are some pictures from our deck, enjoy! (sorry some are blurry)

This one is one of my favorites...
Notice the Red glow that is SO gorgeous... :)

some pretty flowers :)
Well, rain... mysterious, beautiful, and wet ! I miss the rain and so I'm glad it rained today, i cant wait for fall and winter!!!


A Blessing...

Today as i was sitting here at home i realized something: what am i doing right now that will leave a Jesus sized mark in this world and what am i doing right now that will bless someone else? Jesus is so worth it so why am i not taking advantage of every situation? God opened my eyes to this... What will i choose to do? What will you CHOOSE to do??? It's a choice. Sometimes i wonder why God gave us free will, because we almost always choose our self over him... now hear me out on this one, I'm not saying that you knowingly choose yourself all the time over him, sometimes you do, but because we are human and we are not perfect we tend to lean that way. God reminded me that without freewill, the relationship would be a one way charity. The relationship would look like this: God and his robots. He didn't want it to be that way, he wanted us to CHOOSE him! He wanted us to love him and praise him for who he is and lean on him... not be controlled and brainwashed by some "higher power". It's all about the actual relationship, the everyday, the intimate conversations, the actual expression of Love through our actions and our CHOICES... So, what will you Choose to do? Who needs a King, who are you with everyday, do they know that you care about them, DO THEY KNOW THAT JESUS CARES ABOUT THEM??? So i will leave you and challenge you with this: Make a CHOICE.


So much DARN fun :)

Oh my goodness, i'll have to say that tonight was one of the funnest nights ever!!! I went to Karlee and Josh's wedding (they were adorable!). The ceremony was so beautiful and karlee was so beautiful and everything was just so elegant. After the ceremony and all the toasts and the cutting of the cake, yes its true, we had a DANCE PARTY that rocked my face off :) I have to say that i didnt know that all of those people could dance that good. Karlee was kickin' it old school, and so was everyone else... it was really hilarious to watch people dancing. We had the shopping cart going, the Q tip move, and every other corny but slightly cool dance move going on that you could think of. (the break dancing was the funniest i think). OH good times, good times :) I am so happy for Karlee, she really is blessed by God.
Well, until next time, adios!!!