
S.O.S. !!!

If anyone knows of someone who wants to sell their car for cheep, or if they even want to give it away please let me know !!! we currently have no working cars... it kinda sucks. I know that God will provide though, so I'm not stressing :) Thanks friends, be praying!


Finally, some pictures !

As I promised, here are some pictures from my vacation... enjoy them! (also check out Caleb and Ashley's blog for other pictures that they should be posting)

These first pictures are from the Tea House that we went to... they had some pretty cool hats :)

These pictures are from when we went shopping in Boise- WE HAD A BLAST!

There were these walls of shoes.... I Know.

We had so much fun... thank you Caleb, Ashley, and Ky for your hospitality and for blessing us! We love you guys :)


Mystery vacation!

Well, it's been over a month since my last post... sadly its not because of busy-ness or crazy schedules, but because I have had nothing much to post.
But, I am now in Idaho visiting some pretty cool people! We left Thursday morning to go on our "mystery" vacation, ( i actually knew where we were going ) and arrived Thursday at 1pm. It was a good drive, besides the boringness. :) We have spent the first couple of days at the Roaring Springs Water Park in Meridian with Ky... and can I just say that we had a blast. The first day at the water park was amazing! There were tons of really cool slides and it felt nice in the heat to get to go into the water. I think my favorite part was the wave pool... it was kinda like the ocean but in a pool :) The next day at the water park was just me and my sisters. Sadly this day wasnt as good because I scalded my feet on the pavement in this first 10 minutes so it kinda hurt to walk. Then we came back to Caleb and Ashley's house. My family and Ky went to the bike races and I had some amazing Jesus time while I had the time to myself. Lately, God has been giving me some very significant words about this next season of my life. Here are a few that he has spoken to me right out of my daily devotions:

Hosea 2:14-15, 19-20 (all amplified version)
"Therefore, behold, I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness, and I will speak tenderly and to her heart. There I will give her her vineyards and make the valley of Achor (troubling) to be for her a door of hope and expectation. And she shall sing there and respond as in the days of her youth and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt... And i will betroth you to me in righteousness and justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy. I will even betroth you to me in stability and in faithfulness, and you shall know (recognize, be acquainted with, appreciate, give heed to and cherish) the Lord."

Hosea 6:3
"Yes, let us know (recognize, be acquainted with, and understand) Him; let us be zealous to know the Lord. His going forth is prepared and certain as the dawn, and He will come to us as the heavy rain, as the latter rain that waters the earth."

Hosea 10:12
"Sow for yourselves according to righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God); reap according to mercy and loving-kindness. Break up your uncultivated ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, to inquire for and of Him, and to require His favor, til He comes and teaches you righteousness and rains His righteous gift of salvation upon you."

Isaiah 30:21-23a
"And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the Way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left hand. Then you will defile your carved images overlaid with silver and your molten images plated with gold; your will cast them away as a filthy blood-stained cloth, and you will say to them, Be gone! Then He will give you rain for the seed with which you sow the soil..."

Isaiah 33:5-6
"The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He will fill Zion with justice and righteousness (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation). And there shall be stability in your times, an abundance of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; the reverent fear and worship of the Lord is your treasure and His."

Jesus is truly amazing, He is always there for me, and His words are so timely... I LOVE IT! These words are really reassuring to me. Its kinda not the most easiest thing to trust that God will provide over and abundantly for you not only in the physical realm, but in the spiritual realm too. I know that God has some really amazing things in store for me if I will be faithful to search them out... I love that my fear and worship of the Lord will be my treasure and His :)

So back to the whole vacation thing, today we went to Family Life Church with Caleb and Ashley. It was pretty cool :) Worship was amazing! It was like an hour and half long, or something like that... Jesus was for sure there. Now I am sitting here blogging to all you all. I might be coming home this tuesday, but if not, i might be staying for the NXT's summer camp- and thats what i really want to do. If i do that, then i wont be home for another two weeks. Sorry to all of you who arent having as much fun as me :) pictures to come soon, hopefully!